5 Key Elements of a High-Converting Website Design for SEO

5 Key Elements of a High-Converting Website Design for SEO

Every website has an agenda. It could:


  • Promote products
  • Sell products
  • Spread awareness
  • Promote a brand
  • Provide customer service
  • Build a community


Regardless of the agenda, its effectiveness is measured in the conversion rate. If you’re selling products, you want people to buy. If you’re spreading awareness, you want people to read your content and explore more.


Still, how can you make people do any of these things?


This isn’t an exact science, but some elements are known to help boost your conversion rate and give the desired effect. Here are the top five elements you can use to make your website design conversion rates for SEO skyrocket.


Fast loading speed

Fast loading speed for a good Web Design Seo

According to one survey, if your website fails to load in 4 seconds, you risk losing 25% of your audience. Keep in mind that this is true for mobile and desktop users alike. The audience was more tolerant of slower loading on mobile devices in the past, but this is no longer the case. About 12% of survey takers expect the loading time to be faster on their phones.


There are many ways to make your website load faster. First, you need to start optimizing your images. To do so, you must compress them and ensure they’re properly formatted. The best image formats are:


  • JPEG
  • GIF
  • PNG


Depending on your aim, you should choose either of these. The critical thing to remember is that videos on the loading screen increase your conversion significantly. At the same time, they are resource heavy and may make your website slower to load. Fortunately, by using GIFs instead of video, you can bypass this problem.


Other than this, you should keep your website simple. Every additional element is an additional HTTP request. Minimalism is the name of the game.

Lastly, try to enable browser caching. This will store data on user devices, enhancing the return visitors’ experience.

Quality content

According to veterans behind a renowned SEO agency, quality content is the key to a well-performing website.


Still, what makes content quality? First of all, it needs to contain helpful information. Second, it needs to be skimmable. While people want to read quality content, some might skim through it first to see if it’s worth their time. Adding the estimated reading time is one useful trick to increase the chance that the content will be read.


From the SEO perspective, the format of the content is just as important. Keep your sections shorter than 300 words, and use the right formatting (h1, h2, h3, etc.). Pay special attention to metadata. This is how crawlers interpret your content, and it can ensure that you’re indexed a lot sooner.


Remember that relevance of your content may change over time. So, if you’re using any data, it’s smart that you update it. This is a cunning trick to help you recycle your content. Also, previous data can be used comparatively to show trends.


Keep in mind that while writing is subjective, filler content is easy to spot from a mile away. Stick to the point as well as you can.

Great call-to-action (CTA)

Great call-to-action CTA to improve SEO

Sometimes, people will act exactly the way you want them to. You just need to ask. This is what CTA is for. However, you must figure out what it is before using your CTA. Do you want them to sign up for your newsletter, give you their email and phone number (for SMS marketing), or something else entirely?


You want to be clear and direct. Using just one CTA instead of multiple can increase your CTR by 371%. Also, you need to be specific and use assertive language:


  • Buy now
  • Subscribe to our newsletter
  • Read more


Being upfront with your target audience can make a huge difference.


You also need to know what to expect. For instance, the average for search is just 1.91%, while the average for display is 0.35%. In other words, you’re working with small numbers, so when you see an improvement of 371%, you’ll have a conversion rate that’s just shy of 8.99%. Still, this is a huge difference.


Another thing to pay attention to is the form of your CTA button. For instance, one survey suggests that the red CTA button may have a 22% higher CTR than its green counterpart. Oval CTA buttons are believed to be more effective than square ones. In other words, you can use these simple tweaks to make a difference.

Invest in great design

Good website design is not cheap. So, you need to set aside a hefty budget for this project. Visitors will draw a direct connection between the web design of your site and your brand. Still, how do you get the most out of your website’s design elements?


The first thing you should focus on is readability. The order in which you present information will make a world of difference. You can create a hierarchy of information by using contrasting colors and font sizes. This will drastically affect the conversion rate and the CTR on your site.


Second, some people love to explore before they commit. You need to make navigation as simple as possible to help them out. They should be able to return to the home page with a single click or return to a category without returning to the home page. Most importantly, navigation needs to be intuitive.  


Different fronts and whitespace-to-text ratios are also important. This is especially true when designing a mobile-friendly layout. You can’t afford to be random when making decisions regarding design elements.


Signs of social proof

tips to improve seo Web design Signs of social proof

In the age of cyber threats and identity theft, people need to trust you to interact with your website. Otherwise, your links and CTA will seem suspicious. The quickest way around this is to get social proof. This comes in several different forms.


First, if you’re talking about a specific number or a statistic, you must showcase a case study. If there are studies regarding your product or a problem your product helps solve, this is probably the best way to handle the issue.


Another thing you can do is look for customer reviews and testimonials. People have an easier time than you think recognizing marketing speak. It would be clearer if your copywriter or social media manager wrote a review. At the same time, if people are ready to vouch for you in their own words and using their personal profiles, this will already say a lot.


Asking for an influencer endorsement is also important. This minor celebrity or person of authority in your field may leverage their influence/reputation to make you more credible.


Finally, many people will look for certificates. So, if you have any, it’s best to display them early on your landing page. This way, they can’t skip them. You should also use awards in the same manner.


The right approach can enhance your conversion rate and boost your SEO

A fast website with a ton of social proof appears to be more credible. Therefore, people will feel safer actually clicking on your CTA buttons and benefitting from your CTR. These are SEO metrics and will result in a better SEO rank for your website. As a result, you’ll gain more traffic and come to a step closer to fulfilling your website’s agenda.

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5 Tips for High-Converting Website Design for SEO

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