How to promote collaboration among American students in online learning environments

How to promote collaboration among American students in online learning environments

Imagine being in an online learning environment where you’re part of a team that feels connected, engaged, and supported despite team members living in different parts of the U.S. Human connection and collaboration are at the core of a successful online learning environment.


Using online learning methods as a necessity after the pandemic has shown educators that it’s possible to establish online learning environments that are as fruitful as face-to-face learning. Still, promoting collaboration among American students in online learning environments may sound easier said than done, but here are 8 strategies to help you get started.


8 strategies to promote collaboration among American students in online learning environments

Incorporate challenging group tasks

To promote effective collaboration in online learning environments, set up challenging tasks that students can do together. The best group tasks come from real-world problems in which a team of students must research widely and form real opinions. However, if you’re a student struggling with a delegated group task or other writing assignments, you can get a much-needed breather by asking an expert from an essay writing service with good reviews. Working with an expert promotes learning by helping you develop high-quality, error-free, and custom projects.

Incorporate challenging group tasks to Promote Collaboration

Provide technical support

Technology tools impact student collaboration because they facilitate communication in online learning environments. Yet, students encounter many difficulties while interacting with online technologies. To promote collaboration activities among American students, faculties can provide technical support to students by sharing visible locations where they can get IT support as well as providing tutorials and guides that demonstrate how to interact with new tools. Also, students should take advantage of social media and web-based apps to share information and work together on tasks remotely.


Set the rules for language and collaboration

In every group, there will always be one or two students who automatically take the lead in group tasks or take over everything. Others only do the bare minimum. To promote collaboration among American students in online learning environments, foster harmony by teaching students how to work in a group. For example, teach them how to raise issues in online communities, paraphrase information, solve conflicts, and build on other people’s ideas. The skills will promote good language use and teamwork.

Encourage brainwriting before a group task

Brainwriting is when students consider a topic and write an assignment about it before engaging in a bigger discussion with peers. Brainwriting awakens students to their potential and gets the ball rolling during group online discussions. You can also pick a few intriguing responses and discuss the perspectives to get the ball rolling. Thus, brainwriting can motivate American students to collaborate more in online learning environments by ensuring diversity of opinions and encouraging quiet students to participate in discussions.


Assign roles to members of each group

Delineating roles to students working on a project in online learning environments is crucial in promoting collaboration. It promotes organized and fruitful discussions. Assign key roles in each group, such as team leader, secretary, and moderator. That way, each student in a group has a delineated role with clear responsibilities. The roles should keep changing with each task to discourage ill-spirited competition in online learning environments.

Encourage peer revision

Educators often downplay the value of peer revision in promoting collaboration in online learning, yet it’s already happening. Students are constantly sharing work with friends on social media and other platforms. Use the opportunity to take the collaboration a step further by letting students review each other’s work. Peer revision will help students develop an appreciation for others and be more willing to seek other’s opinions.


Give frequent feedback

Feedback sets a tone for improved collaboration in physical and online learning environments. The more comprehensive the feedback, the more likely students will know how to collaborate well with peers across the U.S. For example, educators can hold online discussions using tools, such as Microsoft Teams, in which small groups of students connect, ask questions, and get feedback. Feedback can help students feel confident about their online learning experience and promote better collaboration with peers.

Establish online etiquette guidelines

Most students have had unkind or disrespectful experiences with peers online, which may deter collaboration in online learning environments. The majority of students are used to physical interactions that occur organically. That’s why it’s important to establish online etiquette guidelines among American students to promote safe and inclusive online learning environments. This could involve setting clear guidelines for language and interactions before online group activities. That way, students maintain professionalism, confidentiality, and effective communication while working with peers.


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Collaborative learning is one of the ways online education is evolving today. With the growth of technology and the increasing value of teamwork skills in workplaces, collaborative learning has become a common phenomenon in online learning environments. The strategies discussed above will promote collaboration among American students taking distance learning courses, allowing them to grow and develop holistically.


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How to promote collaboration among American students in online learning

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