What are custom programmatic solutions?

What are custom programmatic solutions

There was a time when the trading of ad space or inventory required the buying and selling parties to manually match each other, a process that is tedious as you can imagine. However, with the advent of various pieces of AdTech, a way of making the process easier exists via the use of custom programmatic solutions according to Teqblaze. With said solutions, all parties can engage with each other in a more efficient way, which makes one wonder how any of this is possible.


This piece on custom solutions will provide those very answers. It begins with defining this type of advertising, before delving into how it works, after which, a look at the benefits of custom solutions is only appropriate.


Understanding the advertising type

This type of solutions involve the automated buying and selling of advertising space (also known as inventory) in the online digital market. This process occurs rapidly, facilitated by ad exchanges or networks that link publishers (who sell ad space) with advertisers (who purchase it).


Trading ad inventory involves information retrieval from users of the publishers, who are usually Internet sites offering the space, analyzing that information and sending bids based on it. What follows is the finding of matches between both sides, which all sounds pretty tedious, but with the advertising type we’re discussing, it, as well as the moment the users view it happens in milliseconds.


How’s the feat achieved? Well, it all comes down to the AI-supported algorithms that are responsible for making the buying, selling through real-time bidding and optimization of campaigns more efficient, faster and easier.


The ways things function

For one to comprehend the custom side of things, you need to know the basics. This begins with knowing the key players and pieces of AdTech, which are as follows:


  • Site visitors or users, who arrive on websites where their information is gathered
  • The buyers and sellers (publishers and advertisers respectively)
  • The platforms used to trade spaces, which are the Supply-side Platforms (SSPs) for inventory sellers and the Demand-side Platforms (DSPs) for buyers
  • The middleman connecting the two sides which for this piece will be the ad network

Core process of digital ad

The basic way in which the process works is that users visit a publisher’s site and in the process, have their data collected. This information is then funneled to the SSP, where the publisher has their ad inventory not only put up for sale, but also managed. It then sends the ad impression to the exchange, which then relays it to the DSP, where bids are made based on the audience data received.


Said data received from the publisher allows for more focused targeting of ads to specific users for the best possible outcome and analysis of it requires the use of Data Management Platforms or DMPs. Once the information is analyzed, the advertiser makes a bid via the DSP, where it’s related to the ad exchange. As you would imagine, the highest bid wins the inventory and has their creative rendered on the publisher’s site within milliseconds of the page loading.


Why go this route?

The most obvious advantage of using this path is the speed at which it occurs, which far surpasses the original methods. However, a lot more open up within this automated method and the custom programmatic approaches companies in the space offer. Some advantages include:

Precise targeting

It gives you the ability to target more precisely as an advertiser by zeroing in on certain specifics regarding a demographic. Below is a list of common parameters:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Place of work


Greater reach

It allows for the wider display of ads across multiple platforms at the same time. This gives you access to more potential customers, which could be quite extensive if you consider the world’s over 5 billion internet users.

An automatic nature

With automation, multiple tasks such as the placing of bids and tracking of ad performance to be done efficiently. This means that the time and resources that would otherwise be spent there are taken elsewhere.


Predetermined budgets

The ability to place bids based on the budget you’ve predetermined means that anything exceeding that won’t be spent on, which means that money can be saved. This very nature also means that the ecosystem is open to just about anyone irrespective of budget size.

Real-time tracking

With this type of advertising, real-time performance tracking of ads, through the instant view of metrics such as the number of clicks is possible. This is important because seeing how your ads are doing gives you the chance to improve upon what’s not working and keep what is. In doing so, your strategies are optimized, which in turn improves audience response and ultimately drives return on investment upwards.

Custom solutions

Based on where you lie in the ecosystem, any custom solution should naturally be tailored to you. For publishers, the objective of their customized programmatic solution is to sell their ad inventory; and for advertisers, it’s to have their ads seen by as many of the right people as possible. A solution to address this is to tailor DSPs and SSPs to clients so they have more control over data and media buying, while maximizing costs.


Depending on the partner of choice and your needs, the solutions vary. These could include the aforementioned tailor-made platforms on either side, to areas of tracking and targeting.


Final thoughts

Digital ads are not just the future but our present and having the right tools to deal with it as both a publisher and advertiser is beneficial in several ways as we’ve seen. A necessary tool for this space is exactly what custom programmatic solutions are, and this ad trading variety is as a whole, which means that interested parties should seek them out.


As you would imagine, the great opportunity present as a result of the digital age means that the number of people clamoring to service publishers and advertisers with their custom aid is high, so researching the right partners is a must.


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