3 Tips for Choosing The Best Candidate When Looking for a Graphic Designer

3 Tips for Choosing The Best Candidate When Looking for a Graphic Designer

Graphic design is incredibly important for a variety of different businesses. It helps you build your brand, get more attention, make a good first impression, boost sales, and can set you apart from the competition. The design of your products, packaging, website, and ads are all very crucial to finding success in a competitive industry.


But in order to have great graphic design, you need to hire the right designer. There are thousands of designers out there, so how can you choose one to work with? This guide is going to take a closer look at three tips to help you choose the best candidate when looking for a graphic designer to hire.


Check out Their Portfolio

Check out Their Portfolio to choose the best graphic designer

While it’s good to check if the designer has quantifiable skills added to a resume, it’s also a great idea to check out their past work. A portfolio can give you a rundown of the past graphic design work that a candidate has done. Most designers today will have a public portfolio online that you can check out, but if not, they will likely be happy to send it to you.


This can show you their design style, the type of experience they have, and how their work measures up to what you are looking for. Look not only for how well done and creative the work is, but also how well it fits your business. A designer might have brilliant work, but if it doesn’t work well with the brand identity or voice that you have created, it might not be the right fit.

Understand How They Work Creatively

While the portfolio of a designer is crucial, you also need to know what is behind the finished product. Knowing what makes a designer tick and how they work is also important to know about. Graphic design is largely about solving problems, and knowing how a candidate thinks through their choices or options is very important.


Ask them how they thought to come up with a certain design, what they were inspired by, and how they work through their decisions on a project. The more you learn about their process and what inspires them, the more information you will have to make an educated choice in the best interest of your company.


Know What You Need

Graphic design is an incredibly diverse field. There are many types of graphic design that include UI design, marketing design, packaging design, and so many others. Because of this, you should really know what you need. This helps you instantly narrow down your choices, and land on the right designer quicker and more efficiently.


You should be aware of the types of graphics you need, how you’d like them to look, and the sort of messaging that they give off. Also, there are several different tools and software for creating designs, and be sure to look for those with experience in the type of software you use.


Also, make sure to share your expectations, brand, and target audience with the designer to ensure they know what you are looking for and who they should try to connect with. If you aren’t quite sure what you’re looking for, take some time to figure that out before trying to hire a designer.



In conclusion, by keeping these tips in mind, you can ensure you choose the best graphic designer for the work you need to do. Graphic design can be a very important part of your business, so you want to make an educated decision when hiring a designer.


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